Facility & Infrastruture Security System
Series F-SS


1. Introduction
The facility security system will be mainly used to monitor and obverse facility and infrastruce in order to improve public security and avoid assaults, hijacking, burglaring and terrorism actions. All 500-1000m along the border a substationcubicle with 2-4 cameras (daylight and/or infrared) will be erected. Each cubicle is connected via radio to the next adjacent and at the end to a control center. The cameras observe a preset aera. If a motion will be detected, it will be analysed and immediately reported to the control center,if the motion is detedted as incorrect. The supervision staff checks the event, switching to the relevant camera. A workflow determs and controls the necessary measure taken by the operators..
2. Short Description
The facility & infrastructure security system are mainly used for large compound, villas and roads and railways. The F-SS-System consists of 4 major elements:
- control center hardware
- control center software
- communitcation between the substations and 
  control center

- substation equipment

Control Center Hardware

The control center hardware is separated into two major components.
- telecontrol interface which connects the
  communication lines from the substations to the
  computer system

- computer system is a host-client structure with a
  main area which is the presentation of the
  surveillances cameras

Control Center Software

The main part of the software is the P-SSP software which monitors the pictures of the surveillance cameras of the substations and the presentation of the alarms enabling further steps to protect the pipeline. Additional information of the pump station data and control are additional features. Additional software like state estimator, etc. can be offered.


The communication is another important and difficult part of the system because the substations are far from public areas. Thus different communication systems must be inplemented such as 
-  radio
-  fiber optics

-  satellite

Substation Equipment

The substation equipment consists of
-  day light camera

-  infra red camera
-  independend power supply
-  communication equipment
-  digital & analog I/Os

access control systems

3. Area-of-Usage

-  Large facilities
-  Railways and stations
-  Streets

Access control systems


For more information please mail


Series F-SS










GSS German Security Systems GmbH & Co KG | Copyright 1996-2016 |